Optimizing Sterile Processing: Revenue Generation & Cost Reduction

  • dgdesign
  • Surgical Leadership
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Optimizing Sterile Processing: Revenue Generation & Cost Reduction Strategic optimization of Sterile Processing Departments (SPDs) can contribute to revenue generation, reduce cost, and ensure quality. Let’s delve into the key strategies and insights: The Common Challenge:  Many SPDs nationwide struggle to recruit, train, and retain Sterile Processing Technicians, resulting in understaffed departments with low-level expertise….

Perioperative Telephone Game

  • Moab Healthcare
  • Surgical Leadership
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In our healthcare facilities, the telephone is a life-saving instrument. It is the primary means of communication between the nurses in procedural areas and the technicians in SPD.

Sterile processing

Sterile Processing Outsourcing

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD, Surgical Leadership
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Sterile Processing Outsourcing…. sounds like a great idea, but is it?  Some facilities have tried it with a mixed bag of success;

Disposable Blue Wrap. This years toilet paper

Disposable Blue wrap. This year’s toilet paper!

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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In 2020 we faced shortages in PPE, supplies and toilet paper due to the Covid 19 epidemic.

Improving the Sterile Processing Department

Improving the Sterile Processing Department

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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Not that long ago, Healthcare organizations were reluctant to “invest” in their Sterile Processing Departments. Critical infrastructure and human capital needs were tabled while funding was being utilized [..]

Elective Surgery Will Resume: Is Your SPD Ready?

Elective Surgery Will Resume: Is Your SPD Ready?

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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As Perioperative Healthcare Leaders, we can all agree that these are unprecedented times. Staffing and supply resources have rightfully been diverted to care of COVID 19 patients.

Impact of Sterile Processing in Hospitals

Impact of Sterile Processing in Hospitals

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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Sterile processing has a direct and significant effect on surgeon satisfaction, risk, patient safety, revenue, and cost. Disruptions in sterile processing or improper sterilization …

3 Ways to Increase Retention in Your Sterile Processing Department

3 Ways to Increase Retention in Your Sterile Processing Department

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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  3 Ways to Increase Retention in Your Sterile Processing Department High turnover rates of SPD directors and managers, educators, supervisors, and technicians can have a significant effect on the OR and elsewhere in a healthcare institution. Total hospital turnover rates across the nation are 19.1 percent, according to the 2019 National Health Care Retention…

Top 3 Risks of Hiring Improperly Trained & Vetted Sterile Processing Technicians

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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Sterile Processing Department Staffing is a challenge for most facilities.  The work is hard, and the pay is poor. The turnover and vacancy rates are high.  As a result, hiring managers often compromise standards[..]

Sterilization is Not “Glorified Dishwashing”

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, SPD Technicians, Surgical Leadership
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It’s easy to underestimate the importance of the role of sterilization technicians behind the scenes in the operating room. But the many years of education and experience[..]

Why Hospitals Partner With MOAB Healthcare

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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Trained, vetted sterilization technicians are essential to the success of your healthcare facility. You need them to keep your patients safe, your surgeons happy and your[..]

How Your Sterile Processing Department Directly Impacts Surgeon Satisfaction

  • Moab Healthcare
  • SPD Management, Surgical Leadership
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Most surgeons have a choice on where they practice.  That’s why most choose to work in hospitals where they have confidence that [..]